The Alphabet Collection

The Alphabet Collection
Design Inspiration
When I was a young girl, I was inspired by reading the classic novel, “Gone with the Wind.”
Th book is a mediation on romance and the changes that swept the American South in the 1860s. When Scarlet O’Hara bravely said, “Tomorrow is another day,” I realized that we all have a powerful need to find and transform ourselves, especially in turbulent times, and that we must confront our own strengths, weakness, and desires, and establish a place for ourselves in the world. My English name, Michelle, is a homonym of the authors name, Margaret Mitchell.
Gone with the Wind was published in 1936, at a time when feminism was developing rapidly, promoting freedom, equality, and the hidden and too often ignored power of women. Today we find ourselves again in a great and turbulent time for the world. I believe that the spirit and classic themes of the novel are more applicable and meaningful than ever.
Many friends simply call me “M.” The letter of my English name. For me, it’s a symbol of my own strength, energy, and the journey of self-discovery. I created this custom series of letters so that you can find and be inspired by the sacred in yourself and the blessings that surround you.se your own letter design.